sangfroid 冷静さ

I can maintain my sangfroid in any situation.

  • Pronunciation: /sɒ̃ˈfrwɑː/ or /sæŋˈfrwɑː/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
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Composure or coolness, especially in trying or dangerous situations; the ability to remain calm and poised under pressure.


Example Sentences(例文)

  • Despite the chaos around her, she maintained her sangfroid and handled the situation with ease.
    • 周囲が混乱しているにもかかわらず、彼女は冷静さを保ち、状況を楽に対処した。
  • His sangfroid during the emergency impressed everyone, as he remained calm and gave clear instructions.
    • 緊急事態でも彼が冷静さを保ち、明確な指示を出したことに皆が感心した。


“Sangfroid” comes from French, literally meaning “cold blood” (from “sang” meaning “blood” and “froid” meaning “cold”). The term was adopted into English in the mid-18th century to describe a calm demeanor in stressful circumstances.

Sangfroid はフランス語に由来し、文字通り「冷たい血」という意味です(sang は「血」、froid は「冷たい」)。18世紀半ばに英語に取り入れられ、ストレスの多い状況で冷静な態度を示すことを表すようになりました。


Composure, equanimity, self-control, coolness, poise.


Panic, agitation, anxiety, nervousness.

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

“Sangfroid” is often used to describe someone’s ability to stay calm and unflustered in tense or difficult situations. It carries a connotation of admirable self-control.


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