exculpate 疑いを晴らす

Sunny Gator was suspected because of his scary face, but he was finally exculpated.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈɛks.kʌl.peɪt/
  • Part of Speech: Verb
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To show or declare that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing.


Example Sentences(例文)

  • The evidence presented in court helped to exculpate the defendant.
    • 裁判で提示された証拠が被告の無罪を証明する助けとなりました。
  • After a thorough investigation, the employee was exculpated of any involvement in the fraud.
    • 徹底的な調査の結果、その従業員は詐欺への関与を一切していないと証明されました。


Derived from the Latin word exculpatus, from ex- meaning “out of” and culpa meaning “blame” or “fault.”

「exculpate(無罪を証明する)」の語源はラテン語の exculpatus で、ex-(~から外に)と culpa(罪、過ち)から派生しています。


Absolve, acquit, clear, vindicate


Incriminate, accuse, convict

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

The term is often used in legal contexts where a person is formally declared not guilty or free from blame, but it can also be applied more broadly when someone is shown to be innocent of accusations.


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