“Symbiotic algae” refers to algae that live in a mutualistic relationship with another organism, such as coral or some marine animals. In this relationship, the algae reside within the host’s tissues and provide it with nutrients through photosynthesis. In return, the host offers the algae a protected environment and access to sunlight. A common example of symbiotic algae is zooxanthellae, which live inside coral reefs and contribute to their growth and vibrant colors. This symbiosis is crucial for the health of coral ecosystems.
“Symbiotic algae”を日本語にすると「共生藻類(きょうせいそうるい)」になります。これは、他の生物と共生関係にある藻類を指し、例えばサンゴに住む藻類(主にゾウキン藻)がこれに該当します。共生藻類は宿主に栄養を供給し、宿主は藻類に住処と光合成のための光を提供します。この関係は、特にサンゴ礁の生態系にとって非常に重要です。
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