MIT OpenCourseWareのPatrick Winstonによる講義「How to Speak」です。対訳は素人の私が作成したもので至らない部分もあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。
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Well, we’re almost finished because now we’re down to this last item, which is how to stop. And when we come to that, there’s a question of all right, well, what is the final slide? And what are the final words? So for the final slide, let me give you some examples of possibilities. How about this one? Well, you might see that slide and think to yourself, there are 1,000 faculty at MIT. Nice piece of work, but not so much, but it’s only a tiny piece of work if you divide by 1,000. So when you show a whole gigantic list of collaborators at the end of a talk, it’s a kind of let down because it suggests that nobody knows. Well, did you do anything significant? Now, you’ve got to recognize your collaborators, right? So where do you do that? Not on the last slide, on the first slide. All this was on the first slide. These are the collaborators, so you don’t want to put them at the end. You don’t want a slide like this. How about this one? This is the worst possible way to end a talk.
Because this slide can be up there for 20 minutes. I’ve seen it happen. It squanders real estate. It squanders an opportunity to tell people who you are. It’s just– What about this one? I often see it. I never see anybody write it down. Also, it wastes opportunity. Oh my God, even worse. All of these lines do nothing for you. They waste an opportunity for you to tell people– to leave people with what you– with who you are. Well, what about this? Is this a good one? It might seem so at first, but here’s the problem. If you say these are my conclusions, these are perfectly legitimate conclusions that nobody cares about. What they care about is what you have done. And that’s why your final slide should have this label, contributions. It’s a mirror of what I said over there about how job talks ought to be like a sandwich. And the final slide, the one that’s up there while people are asking questions and filing out, it ought to be the one that has your contributions on it. Here’s an example from my own stump speech. Yeah, this is what I talk about a lot. Yes, here are the things that I typically demonstrate. And I wait for people to read it. And the final element there is this is what we get out of it, so that’s an example of a contribution slide.
単語 | 意味 | 説明/例文 |
Well, we’re almost finished because now we’re down to this last item, which is how to stop.
And when we come to that, there’s a question of all right, well, what is the final slide?
And what are the final words?
So for the final slide, let me give you some examples of possibilities.
How about this one?
Well, you might see that slide and think to yourself, there are 1,000 faculty at MIT.
このスライドを見て、こう思うかもしれません、MIT には 1,000 人の教員がいるじゃないかと。
Nice piece of work, but not so much, but it’s only a tiny piece of work if you divide by 1,000.
素晴らしい実績だとしても、それほど大きく見えなくなり、1,000 で割ると小さなものにすぎません。
So when you show a whole gigantic list of collaborators at the end of a talk, it’s a kind of let down because it suggests that nobody knows.
Well, did you do anything significant?
Now, you’ve got to recognize your collaborators, right?
So where do you do that?
Not on the last slide, on the first slide.
All this was on the first slide.
These are the collaborators, so you don’t want to put them at the end.
You don’t want a slide like this.
How about this one?
This is the worst possible way to end a talk.
Because this slide can be up there for 20 minutes.
I’ve seen it happen.
It squanders real estate.
It squanders an opportunity to tell people who you are. It’s just– What about this one?
I often see it.
I never see anybody write it down.
Also, it wastes opportunity.
Oh my God, even worse.
All of these lines do nothing for you.
They waste an opportunity for you to tell people– to leave people with what you– with who you are.
Well, what about this?
Is this a good one?
It might seem so at first, but here’s the problem.
If you say these are my conclusions, these are perfectly legitimate conclusions that nobody cares about.
What they care about is what you have done.
And that’s why your final slide should have this label, contributions.
It’s a mirror of what I said over there about how job talks ought to be like a sandwich.
And the final slide, the one that’s up there while people are asking questions and filing out, it ought to be the one that has your contributions on it.
Here’s an example from my own stump speech.
Yeah, this is what I talk about a lot.
Yes, here are the things that I typically demonstrate.
And I wait for people to read it.
And the final element there is this is what we get out of it, so that’s an example of a contribution slide.
さて、ほとんど話は終わりでして、何故なら次が最後の項目、どう話を終えるか、についてだからです。ここまで来たら、万事OKとなるかの問題ですが、そうですね、最後のスライドは何でしょうか?そして最後の言葉は?最後のスライドでは、いくつかの可能性の例を挙げましょう。これはどうでしょうか?このスライドを見て、こう思うかもしれません、MIT には 1,000 人の教員がいるじゃないかと。素晴らしい実績だとしても、それほど大きく見えなくなり、1,000 で割ると小さなものにすぎません。ですから、講演の最後に協力者の巨大なリスト全体を見せると、誰も知らないことを示すことになるので、失望することになります。えー、何か重要なことをしたのでしょうか?さて、あなたは協力者を認識する必要がありますよね? それで、どこでそれをしますか?最後のスライドではなく、最初のスライドですね。これはすべて最初のスライドにありました。これらは共同作業者であるため、最後に配置する必要はありません。このようなスライドは必要ありません。これはどうでしょうか?これは、話を終わらせる最悪の方法です。なぜならこのスライドが20分間ずっと表示し続ける可能性があるためです。私はそれが起こるのを見てきました。それは無駄な使い方です。それはあなたが誰であるかを人々に伝える機会を逃してしまいます。これはどうですか?よく見かけます。書き留めている人は見たことないですが。これもまた、機会を無駄にします。なんてこった、さらに悪いですね。これらの行はすべて、何にも意味がありません。彼らは、あなたが人々に伝える機会を無駄にしています。さて、これはどうですか?これは良いものですか?一見そう思われるかもしれませんが、ここに問題があります。これが私の結論だと言うなら、これらは誰も気にしない完全に正当な結論です。彼らが気にかけているのは、あなたが何をしたかです。そのため、最終的なスライドには「貢献」というラベルを付ける必要があります。これは、仕事の話はサンドイッチのようであるべきだという、以前私が説明した鏡の話です。最後のスライドは、人々が質問をしたり、提出したりしている間に表示されるもので、あなたの貢献が記載されているはずです。これは私自身の街頭演説の例です。ええ、これは私がよく話していることです。はい、これが私が通常実証するものです。そして、私は皆さんがこれを読むのを待ちます。そして最後の要素は、これが私たちがそこから得たものです。これが貢献スライドの例です。