MIT OpenCourseWareのPatrick Winstonによる講義「How to Speak」です。対訳は素人の私が作成したもので至らない部分もあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。
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But that’s all about education. And many of you here are not necessarily for that, but rather for this part, for persuading, which breaks down into several categories, oral exams, not shown, job talks, getting famous. I won’t say much about oral exams other than the fact that they used to be a lot scarier than they are today. In the old days, reading the literature in a foreign language was a part of that. And there was a high failure rate. And when you look back on those failures, the most usual reason for people failing an oral exam is failure to situate and a failure to practice. By situate, I mean, it’s important to talk about your research in context. This is a problem that’s being pursued all over the world. There hasn’t been any progress before me in the past 30 years. Everyone is looking for a solution because it will have impact on so many other things, such situating and time and place and feel. And then as far as practice is concerned, yes, practice is important. But that doesn’t mean showing your slides to the people you share an with. The problem with that is that if people know what you’re doing, they will hallucinate that there’s material in your presentation that isn’t there if it isn’t there. A variation on the scene, by the way, is your faculty supervisor is not a very good person to help you debug a talk because they, in fact, know what you’re doing. And they will, in fact, hallucinate there’s material in your presentation that isn’t there. So you need to get together with some friends who don’t know what you’re doing and have them– well, you start the practice session by saying, if you can’t make me cry, I won’t value as a friend anymore.
And then when you get to the faculty on a oral exam, it will be easy. You see, difficulty– the amount of flak you’ll get from somebody is proportional to age. The older somebody is, the more they understand where they are in the world. But the young people are trying to show the old people how smart they are, so it’s subtly vicious. So whenever you have an opportunity to have an examining committee that’s full of people with gray hair, that’s what you want. Well, that’s just a word or two about something I haven’t listed here. Let’s get into the subject of job talks. So I was sitting in a bar many years ago in San Diego. I was a member of the Navy Science Board, and I was sitting with a couple of my colleagues on the board Delores Etter from the University of Colorado. She made me so jealous I could spit because she’d written 21 books, and I’d only written 17. And then the other one was Bill Weldon from the University of Texas. He was an electromagnetism guy, and he knew how to use rail guns to drive steel rods through tank armor. These were interesting people. So I said, what do you look for in a faculty candidate? And within one microsecond, Delores said, they have to show us they’ve got some kind of vision, quickly followed by Bill who said, they have to show us that they’ve done something. Oh, that sounds good, I said. And then I said to them, how long does a candidate have to establish these two things? What do you think? Well, compare your answer to theirs Five minutes. So if you haven’t expressed your vision, if you haven’t told people that you’ve done something in five minutes, you’ve already lost. So you have to be able to do that. And let me just mention a couple of things in that connection. Here, the vision is in part, a problem that somebody cares about and something new in your approach. So the problem is understanding the nature of human intelligence. And the approach is asking questions about what makes us different from chimpanzees and Neanderthals. Is it merely a matter of quantity, or we’re just a little bit smarter in some continuous way? Or do we have something that’s fundamentally different that chimpanzees don’t have and Neanderthals either? And the answer is yes, we do have something different. We are symbolic creatures. And because we’re symbolic creatures, we can build symbolic descriptions of relations and events. We can string them together and make stories. And because we can make stories, that’s what makes us different. So that’s my stump speech. That’s how I start most of my talks on my own personal research.
単語 | 意味 | 説明/例文 |
as far as~ is concerned | ~となると、~に関しては | |
hallucinate | 幻覚を起こす | |
flak | 高射砲 | |
electromagnetism | 電磁気学 | |
stump speech | 街頭演説 | |
But that’s all about education.
And many of you here are not necessarily for that, but rather for this part, for persuading, which breaks down into several categories, oral exams, not shown, job talks, getting famous.
I won’t say much about oral exams other than the fact that they used to be a lot scarier than they are today.
In the old days, reading the literature in a foreign language was a part of that.
And there was a high failure rate.
And when you look back on those failures, the most usual reason for people failing an oral exam is failure to situate and a failure to practice.
By situate, I mean, it’s important to talk about your research in context.
This is a problem that’s being pursued all over the world.
There hasn’t been any progress before me in the past 30 years.
Everyone is looking for a solution because it will have impact on so many other things, such situating and time and place and feel.
And then as far as practice is concerned, yes, practice is important.
But that doesn’t mean showing your slides to the people you share an office with.
The problem with that is that if people know what you’re doing, they will hallucinate that there’s material in your presentation that isn’t there if it isn’t there.
A variation on the scene, by the way, is your faculty supervisor is not a very good person to help you debug a talk because they, in fact, know what you’re doing.
And they will, in fact, hallucinate there’s material in your presentation that isn’t there.
So you need to get together with some friends who don’t know what you’re doing and have them– well, you start the practice session by saying, if you can’t make me cry, I won’t value as a friend anymore.
And then when you get to the faculty on a oral exam, it will be easy. You see, difficulty– the amount of flak you’ll get from somebody is proportional to age.
そして、口頭試験受ける段階になると、簡単でしょう。 そうですね、困難があるとすれば、誰かから得られる高射砲の量は年齢に比例します。
The older somebody is, the more they understand where they are in the world.
But the young people are trying to show the old people how smart they are, so it’s subtly vicious.
So whenever you have an opportunity to have an examining committee that’s full of people with gray hair, that’s what you want.
Well, that’s just a word or two about something I haven’t listed here.
Let’s get into the subject of job talks.
So I was sitting in a bar many years ago in San Diego.
I was a member of the Navy Science Board, and I was sitting with a couple of my colleagues on the board Delores Etter from the University of Colorado.
私は海軍科学委員会のメンバーで、コロラド大学の Delores Etter 委員会の同僚数人と一緒に座っていました。
She made me so jealous I could spit because she’d written 21 books, and I’d only written 17.
彼女は 21 冊の本を書いたのに、私は 17 冊しか書いていなかったので、唾を吐きたくなるほどうらやましく思いました。
And then the other one was Bill Weldon from the University of Texas.
He was an electromagnetism guy, and he knew how to use rail guns to drive steel rods through tank armor.
These were interesting people.
So I said, what do you look for in a faculty candidate?
And within one microsecond, Delores said, they have to show us they’ve got some kind of vision, quickly followed by Bill who said, they have to show us that they’ve done something.
そして 1 マイクロ秒以内に、彼らは何らかのビジョンを持っていることを私たちに示さなければならないと Delores は言いました。すぐに Bill は、何か成し遂げたことを示さないといけない、と言いました。
Oh, that sounds good, I said.
And then I said to them, how long does a candidate have to establish these two things?
What do you think?
Well, compare your answer to theirs.
Five minutes.
So if you haven’t expressed your vision, if you haven’t told people that you’ve done something in five minutes, you’ve already lost.
So you have to be able to do that.
And let me just mention a couple of things in that connection.
Here, the vision is in part, a problem that somebody cares about and something new in your approach.
So the problem is understanding the nature of human intelligence.
And the approach is asking questions about what makes us different from chimpanzees and Neanderthals.
Is it merely a matter of quantity, or we’re just a little bit smarter in some continuous way?
Or do we have something that’s fundamentally different that chimpanzees don’t have and Neanderthals either?
And the answer is yes, we do have something different.
We are symbolic creatures.
And because we’re symbolic creatures, we can build symbolic descriptions of relations and events.
We can string them together and make stories.
And because we can make stories, that’s what makes us different.
So that’s my stump speech.
That’s how I start most of my talks on my own personal research.
しかし、それはすべて教育に関するものです。そして、ここにいる皆さんの多くは必ずしもそのためではなく、むしろこの部分、つまり説得、いくつかのカテゴリーに分類されるますが、例えば口頭試験、ここには示されていませんが、仕事の話、有名になることのためです。口頭試験については、以前は今よりもずっと怖かったという事実以外はあまり言いません。昔は、外国語で文学を読むこともその一部でした。失敗する確率が高かった。そして、それらの失敗を振り返ってみると、人々が口述試験に失敗する最も一般的な理由は、状況を把握できなかったことと、練習に失敗したことです。つまり、状況に応じて自分の調査結果について話すことが重要です。これは世界中で研究されている問題です。過去30年間、私より前には何の進歩もありませんでした。状況、時間、場所、気分など、他の非常に多くのことに影響を与えるため、誰もが解決策を探しています。そして、練習に関しては、そうですね、練習は重要です。しかし、それは、一緒に働いている人にスライドを見せるという意味ではありません。これに関する問題は、人々があなたが何をしているのかを知っている場合、そこにプレゼンテーション資料がないと、あたかも存在しないと幻覚を起こしてしまうことです。ところで、場面のバリエーションとして、教職員のスーパーバイザーは、実際にあなたが何をしているのかを知っているので、あなたが話をデバッグするのを手伝うのにあまり良い人ではないということがあります。実際、彼らはプレゼンテーション資料が存在しないと幻覚を起こさせます。ですから、あなたが何をしているのかを知らない友人たちと集めて、そうですね、そして練習を始めるときこう話を切り出します。もし私を泣かせられないのならば、私は友達としての価値を失います。そして、口頭試験受ける段階になると、簡単でしょう。 そうですね、困難があるとすれば、誰かから得られる高射砲の量は年齢に比例します。年をとればとるほど、自分が世界のどこにいるのかを理解するようになります。でも若者が年寄りに対して自分の頭の良さを見せつけようとしているから、それは少し悪質ですね。だから、審査委員会を設ける機会があるときはいつでも白髪の人で満たす必要があり、それがあなたが必要なことです。とまあ、これが私がここにリストしていないことについてのほんの一言か二言でした。仕事の話に入りましょう。それで、私は何年も前にサンディエゴのバーに座っていました。私は海軍科学委員会のメンバーで、コロラド大学の Delores Etter 委員会の同僚数人と一緒に座っていました。彼女は 21 冊の本を書いたのに、私は 17 冊しか書いていなかったので、唾を吐きたくなるほどうらやましく思いました。もう一人はテキサス大学のビル・ウェルドンです。彼は電磁気学の専門家であり、レールガンを使用して戦車の装甲に鉄の棒を打ち込む方法を知っていました。彼らは興味深い人々でした。だから私は言いました、あなたは教員候補に何を求めますか?そして 1 マイクロ秒以内に、彼らは何らかのビジョンを持っていることを私たちに示さなければならないと Delores は言いました。すぐに Bill は、何か成し遂げたことを示さないといけない、と言いました。ああ、それはいいですね、と私は言いました。そして、私は彼らに言いました、候補者はこれら2つのことをどれくらいの時間で示す必要がありますか。どう思いますか?さて、あなたの答えと彼らの答えを比較してください。5分です。つまり、5分間で自分のビジョンを表明していない場合、または何かを成し遂げたことを伝えられなかった場合は、すでに職を得られないことになります。だからあなたはそれができなければなりません。それに関連して、いくつかのことを述べさせてください。ここで、ビジョンは、部分的には、誰かが関心を持っている問題か、もしくは何か新しいアプローチです。問題は、人間の知性の性質を理解することです。そしてアプローチとは、私たちがチンパンジーやネアンデルタール人と何が違うのかについて質問することです。それは単なる知識量の問題ですか、それとも継続的に少し賢くなっているだけですか? それとも、チンパンジーやネアンデルタール人とは根本的に異なる何かを持っているのでしょうか? 答えはイエスです。何か違うものがあります。私たちは象徴的な生き物です。そして、私たちは象徴的な生き物なので、関係性や出来事の象徴的な説明を構築することができます。それらをつなぎ合わせて物語を作ることができます。そして、私たちは物語を作ることができるので、それが私たちに差異をもたらします。それが私の街頭演説です。それが、私自身の個人的な研究成果について講演する際は大体このような方法で開始していきます。