MIT OpenCourseWare -How to Speak- ~7. Informing: Promise, Inspiration, How To Think~

MIT OpenCourseWareのPatrick Winstonによる講義「How to Speak」です。対訳は素人の私が作成したもので至らない部分もあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。


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  1. 原文
  2. 英単語
  3. 対訳
  4. 日本語訳


We could talk a little bit about the informing or to say another way, doing what I’m doing now. But I’ll just say a few words about that. In that kind of presentation, you want to start with a promise like I did for this hour that we’re going through now. And then it comes to the question of how do you inspire people? I’ve given this talk for a long time, and a few years ago, our department chairman said, would you please give this talk to a new faculty, and be sure to emphasize what it takes to inspire students. And strangely, I hadn’t thought about that question before. So I started a survey. I’d talked to some of my incoming freshmen advisees, and I talked to senior faculty and everything in between about how they’ve been inspired. What I found from the incoming freshmen is that they were inspired by some high school teacher who told them they could do it. What I found in the senior faculty, they were inspired by someone who helped them see a problem in a new way. And what I saw from everyone is that they were inspired when someone exhibited passion about what they were doing, exhibited passion about what they were doing. So that’s one way to be inspiring. It’s easy for me because I do artificial intelligence. And how can you not be interested in artificial intelligence?


I mean, if you’re not interested in artificial intelligence, you’re probably not interested in interesting things. So when I’m lecturing in my AI class, it’s natural for me to talk about what I think is cool and how exciting some new idea is. So that’s the kind of expression of passion that makes a difference while informing with respect to this question of inspiring. Oh, yeah and of course, during this promise phase, you can also express how cool stuff is. Let me give you an example of a lecture that starts this way. I’m talking about resource allocation. It’s the same sort of stuff you would think of when your– it’s the same sort of ideas you would need if you’re allocating aircraft to a flight schedule or trying to schedule a factory or something like that. But the example is putting colors on the states in the United States without any bordering states having the same color. So here it goes. This is what I show at the beginning of the class. This is a way of doing that coloring. And you might say, well, why don’t we wait till it finishes? Would you like to do that? No? Well, we’re not going to wait till it finishes because the sun will have exploded and consumed the earth before this program finishes.


But with a slight adjustment to how the program works, which I tell my students you will understand in the next 50 minutes, this is what you get. Isn’t that cool? You got to be amazed by stuff that takes a computation from longer than the lifetime of the solar system into a few seconds. So that’s what I mean by providing a promise upfront and expressing some passion about what you’re talking about. Well, the last item in this little block here is it has to do with what people think that they do it at MIT. You ask faculty what the most important purpose is, and they’ll say, well, the most important thing I do is teach people how to think. And then you say oh, that’s great. How do you teach people how to think? Blank stare. No one can quite respond to that part, that natural next question. So how do you teach people how to think? Well, I believe that we are storytelling animals. And that we start developing our story, understanding and manipulating skills with fairy tales in childhood and continue on through professional schools like law, business, medicine, everything. And we continue doing that throughout life. So if that is what thinking is all about. And we want to teach people how to think, you provide them with the stories they need to know, the questions they need to ask about those stories, mechanisms for analyzing those stories, ways of putting stories together, ways of evaluating how reliable a story is. And that’s what I think you need to do when you teach people how to think.




We could talk a little bit about the informing or to say another way, doing what I’m doing now.


But I’ll just say a few words about that.


In that kind of presentation, you want to start with a promise like I did for this hour that we’re going through now.


And then it comes to the question of how do you inspire people?


I’ve given this talk for a long time, and a few years ago, our department chairman said, would you please give this talk to a new faculty, and be sure to emphasize what it takes to inspire students.


And strangely, I hadn’t thought about that question before.


So I started a survey.


I’d talked to some of my incoming freshmen advisees, and I talked to senior faculty and everything in between about how they’ve been inspired.


What I found from the incoming freshmen is that they were inspired by some high school teacher who told them they could do it.


What I found in the senior faculty, they were inspired by someone who helped them see a problem in a new way.


And what I saw from everyone is that they were inspired when someone exhibited passion about what they were doing, exhibited passion about what they were doing.


So that’s one way to be inspiring.

ですから、それがインスピレーションを与える方法の 1 つです。

It’s easy for me because I do artificial intelligence.


And how can you not be interested in artificial intelligence?



I mean, if you’re not interested in artificial intelligence, you’re probably not interested in interesting things.


So when I’m lecturing in my AI class, it’s natural for me to talk about what I think is cool and how exciting some new idea is.

そのため、AI のクラスで講義をしているときは、自分がクールだと思うことや、新しいアイデアがどれほどエキサイティングかについて話すのが自然にできます。

So that’s the kind of expression of passion that makes a difference while informing with respect to this question of inspiring.


Oh, yeah and of course, during this promise phase, you can also express how cool stuff is.


Let me give you an example of a lecture that starts this way.


I’m talking about resource allocation.


It’s the same sort of stuff you would think of when your– it’s the same sort of ideas you would need if you’re allocating aircraft to a flight schedule or trying to schedule a factory or something like that.

これは、航空機をフライト スケジュールに割り当てたり、工場などのスケジュールを立てようとする場合に必要となるアイデアと同じ種類のものです。

But the example is putting colors on the states in the United States without any bordering states having the same color.


So here it goes.


This is what I show at the beginning of the class.


This is a way of doing that coloring.


And you might say, well, why don’t we wait till it finishes?


Would you like to do that? No?

そうしますか? いやですか?

Well, we’re not going to wait till it finishes because the sun will have exploded and consumed the earth before this program finishes.



But with a slight adjustment to how the program works, which I tell my students you will understand in the next 50 minutes, this is what you get.


Isn’t that cool?


You got to be amazed by stuff that takes a computation from longer than the lifetime of the solar system into a few seconds.


So that’s what I mean by providing a promise upfront and expressing some passion about what you’re talking about.


Well, the last item in this little block here is it has to do with what people think that they do it at MIT.


You ask faculty what the most important purpose is, and they’ll say, well, the most important thing I do is teach people how to think.


And then you say oh, that’s great.


How do you teach people how to think?


Blank stare.


No one can quite respond to that part, that natural next question.


So how do you teach people how to think?


Well, I believe that we are storytelling animals.


And that we start developing our story, understanding and manipulating skills with fairy tales in childhood and continue on through professional schools like law, business, medicine, everything.


And we continue doing that throughout life.


So if that is what thinking is all about.


And we want to teach people how to think, you provide them with the stories they need to know, the questions they need to ask about those stories, mechanisms for analyzing those stories, ways of putting stories together, ways of evaluating how reliable a story is.


And that’s what I think you need to do when you teach people how to think.



情報提供について、または別の言い方をすれば、私が今していることについて少し話すことができます。しかし、私はそれについて少しだけ言います。そのようなプレゼンテーションでは、私が今行っているこの時間に私がしたように、約束から始めたいと思うでしょう。次に、どのように人々にインスピレーションを与えるかという問題になります。私は長い間この講演をしてきましたが、数年前、学長は、この講演を新しい教員に行ってください、そして学生を鼓舞するために何が必要かを強調してくださいと言いました。そして奇妙なことに、私はその質問についてそれまで考えたことがありませんでした。そこで調査を開始しました。私は次期新入生のadviseeに対し、またシニアの教員、その間に位置するすべての人に、どのようにして刺激を受けたかについて話しました。新入生たちから私が得られたのは、高校の先生が彼らにできると言ったことに触発されたということです。私がシニアの教員との話で見つけたのは、彼らが問題を新しい方法で見るのを助けてくれた誰かに触発されたということです。そして、私が皆から見たのは、自分のしていることにだれかが情熱を示したときに刺激を受けるということです。自分のしていることに誰かが情熱を示したときにです。ですから、それがインスピレーションを与える方法の 1 つです。私にとっては簡単です。なぜなら、私の専攻は人工知能だからです。そして、皆さんは人工知能に興味を持たないわけがありません。つまり、人工知能に興味がない人は、おそらく面白いことに何も興味を示さないということです。そのため、AI のクラスで講義をしているときは、自分がクールだと思うことや、新しいアイデアがどれほどエキサイティングかについて話すのが自然にできます。ですから、これはインスピレーションの問題に関して情報を提供しながら違いを示す情熱の一種の表現です。ああ、もちろん、この約束の段階では、どれだけこれがクールなものか表現することもできます。このように始まる講義の例を挙げましょう。私はリソース割り当てについて話しています。これは、航空機をフライト スケジュールに割り当てたり、工場などのスケジュールを立てようとする場合に必要となるアイデアと同じ種類のものです。ただし、この例では、隣接する州に同じ色を使用せずに、米国の州に色を付けています。このように動きます。これは私が授業の最初に示すものです。これはその着色を行う方法です。そして、それが終わるまで待ってみませんか?そうしますか? いやですか?このプログラムが終了する前に、太陽が爆発して地球を焼き尽くすので、終了するまで待つつもりはありません。しかし、プログラムの機能を少し調整すると、ここで私は生徒に、次の50分でこれが理解できるようになるよといいますが、結果が得られるようになります。かっこよくないですか?太陽系の寿命よりも長くかかる計算をほんの数秒で実行できるようになることに驚くはずです。つまり、先に約束を示し、私が今から話そうとしていることに対する情熱を表現するということです。さて、この小さなブロックの最後の項目は、人々がMITで行っていると考えていることと関係があるかもしれません。教職員に最も重要な目的は何かと尋ねると、彼らは、私が最も重要なことは人々に考え方を教えることだと言うでしょう。そして、あなたは、それは素晴らしいと思うでしょう。人に考え方を教えるにはどうしたらいいですか?ぽかんとした顔になります。その部分、次の自然な質問に完全に答えることができる人は誰もいません。では、どのように人々に考え方を教えるのですか?そうですね、私たちは物語を語る動物だと思います。そして、子供の頃におとぎ話によって、物語を構築したり、理解したり、スキル使いこなしたりしはじめ、法律、ビジネス、医学などすべての専門分野の学校でそれを高め続けます。そして、私たちは生涯それを続けます。ですから、それが思考のすべてであるということです。そして、私たちは人々に考え方を教えたいと思っています。彼らが知る必要のあるストーリー、それらのストーリーについて尋ねる必要がある質問、それらのストーリーを分析するメカニズム、ストーリーをまとめる方法、ストーリーの信頼性を評価する方法を提供します。そして、それこそが、人々に考え方を教えるときに必要なことだと私は思います。

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