MIT OpenCourseWare -How to Speak- ~6. The Tools: Boards, Props, and Slides(前編)~

MIT OpenCourseWareのPatrick Winstonによる講義「How to Speak」です。対訳は素人の私が作成したもので至らない部分もあるかと思いますが、ご了承ください。


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Table of Contents


  1. 原文
  2. 英単語
  3. 対訳
  4. 日本語訳


Next thing I want to talk about is a subject of boards and props and slides. Well, these are the tools of the trade. I believe that this is the right tool for speaking when your purpose is informing. The slides are good when your purpose is exposing, but this is what I use when I’m informing, teaching, lecturing, and there’s several reasons why I use it. For one thing, when you use the board, you have a graphic quality. It’s the case that, when you have a board, then you can easily exploit the fact that you can use graphics in your presentation. So that’s the graphic quality that I like, and the next thing I like is the speed property. The speed with which you write on the blackboard is approximately the speed at which people can absorb ideas. If you go flipping through a bunch of slides, nobody can go that fast. Finally, one great property of a board is that it can be a target. Many people who are novices at speaking find themselves suddenly aware of their hands. It’s as if their hands were private parts that shouldn’t be exposed in public, so right away, they go into the pockets, and this is considered insulting in some parts of the world. Or alternatively, maybe the hands will go in back like this. I was once in a convent in Serbia, and my host– as soon as we entered, a nun came up to us and offered us a refreshment. And I was about to say, no, thank you, and he said, eat that stuff or die. It’s a question of local custom and politeness. But then before anything happened there, the nun pulled my hands out like this because it was extraordinarily insulting in that culture to have your hands behind your back. So why is that? Well, it’s usually supposed that that’s that it has to do with whether you’re concealing a weapon. So if your hands are in your pockets or behind your back, then it looks like you might have a weapon, and that’s what I mean by the virtue– one of these virtues of the board. Now, you have something to do with your hands. You can point out the stuff. I was once watching Seymour Papert give a lecture, and I thought it was terrific. So I went a second time– first time to absorb the content, second time to note style. And what I discovered is that Papert was constantly pointing at the board. And then I thought about it a little while, and I noted that none of the stuff he was pointing to had anything to do with what he was saying. Nevertheless, it was an effective technique. So that’s just a little bit about the virtue of blackboards. Now, I want to talk about props. The custodians of knowledge about props are the playwrights. Many decades ago, I saw a play by Henrik Ibsen. It was Hedda Gabler. I remember vaguely that it was about a woman in an unhappy marriage, and her husband was in competition for an academic job with somebody else. And he was going to lose partly because he was boring, and partly because the competitor had just written a magnificent book. By the way, this is back in the days before there were copying machines and computers. Anyhow, as the play opens, there’s a potbellied stove, and in the beginning of the play, the potbelly stove, with its open door, just has some slightly glowing embers. But the potbellied stove is always there, and as tension mounts in the play, and you see this manuscript, this prop that Ibsen so artfully used, you just know that something’s going to happen, because as the play goes on, the fire gets bigger and hotter and finally all consuming, and you just know that that manuscript is going to go into that fire. This memorable thing is what I remember about the play. So playwrights have got this all figured out, but on the other hand, they’re not the only people who can use props. Here’s an example of the use of a prop, also due to Seymour Papert. He was talking about how it’s important to look at the problem in the right way, and here’s an example that not only teaches that, but makes it possible for you to embarrass your friends in mechanical engineering. So here’s what you do. Take a bicycle wheel, and you start it spinning. And then you put some torque on the axle, or equivalently, you blow on the edge. And the issue is, does it go that way, or does it go that way? Now, the mechanical engineers will immediately say, oh, yes, I see– right hand screw wheel. And they’ll put their fingers in this position, but forget exactly how to align their fingers with the various aspects of the problem. And so it’s usually the case that they get it right with about a 50% probability. So their very fancy education gets them up to the point where they’re equivalent to flipping a coin. But it doesn’t have to be that way because you can think about the problem a little differently. So here’s what you do. You take some duct tape, and you put it around the part of the wheel like that. And now, you start to think about, not the whole wheel, but just a little piece that’s underneath the duct tape. So here, that piece comes rolling over the top, and at this point, you blow on it with a puff of air. Forgetting about the rest of the wheel, what happens to that little piece that’s under the duct tape? It must want to go that way because you banged on it like that. It’s already going down like that. And what about the next piece? Same thing. Next piece? Same thing. So the only thing that can happen is that the wheel goes over like that. And so now, you’ll never wonder again because you’re thinking about the problem in the right way, and it’s demonstrated by the use of a prop. You can try this after we’re done.


potbellied stove達磨ストーブ
conservation of kinetic energy運動エネルギー保存の法則
lunatic fringe極端で狂信的な見解を持つ政治集団the members of a usually political or social movement espousing extreme, eccentric, or fanatical views
hapax legomenon一定の文脈の中で、1回だけ出現する単語


Next thing I want to talk about is a subject of boards and props and slides.


Well, these are the tools of the trade.


I believe that this is the right tool for speaking when your purpose is informing.


The slides are good when your purpose is exposing, but this is what I use when I’m informing, teaching, lecturing, and there’s several reasons why I use it.


For one thing, when you use the board, you have a graphic quality.


It’s the case that, when you have a board, then you can easily exploit the fact that you can use graphics in your presentation.


So that’s the graphic quality that I like, and the next thing I like is the speed property.


The speed with which you write on the blackboard is approximately the speed at which people can absorb ideas.


If you go flipping through a bunch of slides, nobody can go that fast.


Finally, one great property of a board is that it can be a target.

最後に、ボードの優れた特性の 1 つは、ターゲットになる可能性があることです。

Many people who are novices at speaking find themselves suddenly aware of their hands.


It’s as if their hands were private parts that shouldn’t be exposed in public, so right away, they go into the pockets, and this is considered insulting in some parts of the world.


Or alternatively, maybe the hands will go in back like this.


I was once in a convent in Serbia, and my host– as soon as we entered, a nun came up to us and offered us a refreshment.


And I was about to say, no, thank you, and he said, eat that stuff or die.


It’s a question of local custom and politeness.


But then before anything happened there, the nun pulled my hands out like this because it was extraordinarily insulting in that culture to have your hands behind your back.


So why is that?


Well, it’s usually supposed that that’s that it has to do with whether you’re concealing a weapon.


So if your hands are in your pockets or behind your back, then it looks like you might have a weapon, and that’s what I mean by the virtue– one of these virtues of the board.

ポケットに手が入っていたり、背中の後ろに手を組んでいたりすると、武器を持っているように見えるかもしれません。そしてこれがボードの美徳の 1 つです。

Now, you have something to do with your hands.


You can point out the stuff.


I was once watching Seymour Papert give a lecture, and I thought it was terrific.


So I went a second time– first time to absorb the content, second time to note style.

1 回目は内容を吸収するため、2 回目はスタイルに注意するためです。

And what I discovered is that Papert was constantly pointing at the board.


And then I thought about it a little while, and I noted that none of the stuff he was pointing to had anything to do with what he was saying.


Nevertheless, it was an effective technique.


So that’s just a little bit about the virtue of blackboards.


Now, I want to talk about props.


The custodians of knowledge about props are the playwrights.


Many decades ago, I saw a play by Henrik Ibsen.


It was Hedda Gabler.


I remember vaguely that it was about a woman in an unhappy marriage, and her husband was in competition for an academic job with somebody else.


And he was going to lose partly because he was boring, and partly because the competitor had just written a magnificent book.


By the way, this is back in the days before there were copying machines and computers.


Anyhow, as the play opens, there’s a potbellied stove, and in the beginning of the play, the potbelly stove, with its open door, just has some slightly glowing embers.


But the potbellied stove is always there, and as tension mounts in the play, and you see this manuscript, this prop that Ibsen so artfully used, you just know that something’s going to happen, because as the play goes on, the fire gets bigger and hotter and finally all consuming, and you just know that that manuscript is going to go into that fire.


This memorable thing is what I remember about the play.


So playwrights have got this all figured out, but on the other hand, they’re not the only people who can use props.


Here’s an example of the use of a prop, also due to Seymour Papert.

これも Seymour Papert による小道具の使用例です。

He was talking about how it’s important to look at the problem in the right way, and here’s an example that not only teaches that, but makes it possible for you to embarrass your friends in mechanical engineering.


So here’s what you do.


Take a bicycle wheel, and you start it spinning.


And then you put some torque on the axle, or equivalently, you blow on the edge.


And the issue is, does it go that way, or does it go that way?


Now, the mechanical engineers will immediately say, oh, yes, I see– right hand screw wheel.

さて、機械技術者はすぐにこう言うでしょう、ああこれは知っています、right hand screw wheelの話ですね、と。

And they’ll put their fingers in this position, but forget exactly how to align their fingers with the various aspects of the problem.


And so it’s usually the case that they get it right with about a 50% probability.


So their very fancy education gets them up to the point where they’re equivalent to flipping a coin.


But it doesn’t have to be that way because you can think about the problem a little differently.


So here’s what you do.


You take some duct tape, and you put it around the part of the wheel like that.


And now, you start to think about, not the whole wheel, but just a little piece that’s underneath the duct tape.


So here, that piece comes rolling over the top, and at this point, you blow on it with a puff of air.


Forgetting about the rest of the wheel, what happens to that little piece that’s under the duct tape?


It must want to go that way because you banged on it like that.


It’s already going down like that.


And what about the next piece?


Same thing. Next piece? Same thing.

同じです。 次の部分は?同じことです。

So the only thing that can happen is that the wheel goes over like that.


And so now, you’ll never wonder again because you’re thinking about the problem in the right way, and it’s demonstrated by the use of a prop.


You can try this after we’re done.





次にお話ししたいのは、ボードとプロップとスライドのテーマです。まあ、これらは商売道具です。これは、伝えることが目的の話の場合適切なツールだと思います。スライドはあなたの目的が情報拡散である場合に適していますが、情報を提供したり、教えたり、講義したりするときにはこちらのほうが良いです。いくつか理由があります。一つには、ボードを使用すると、グラフィック品質が得られます。ボードがあれば、プレゼンテーションでグラフィックを使用できるという事実を簡単に利用できます。それが私が気に入っているグラフィック品質であり、次に気に入っているのは速度プロパティです。黒板に書く速度は、人間がアイデアを吸収できる速度とほぼ同じです。たくさんのスライドをパラパラとめくると、誰もそれほど速くは進みません。最後に、ボードの優れた特性の 1 つは、ターゲットになる可能性があることです。話すことに慣れていない人の多くは、突然自分の手を意識していることに気づきます。彼らの手は人前に出してはいけない私的な部分であるかのように、すぐにポケットに入れられますが、これは世界の一部の地域では侮辱と見なされることがあります。あるいは、このように手が後ろに組まれているかもしれません。私はかつてセルビアの修道院にいたことがあり、私のホストは、私たちが入るとすぐに修道女が私たちのところに来て、私たちに軽食を提供してくれました。そして私は、結構です、と言おうとしましたが、食べないと死んでしまうよ、と言われました。それは地元の慣習と礼儀の問題です。しかし、そこで何かが起こる前に、修道女は私の手をこのように引き抜いたのです。その文化では、手を後ろに置くことは非常に侮辱的だったからです。では、それはなぜでしょうか。まあ、それは通常、武器を隠しているかどうかに関係していると思われます。ポケットに手が入っていたり、背中の後ろに手を組んでいたりすると、武器を持っているように見えるかもしれません。そしてこれがボードの美徳の 1 つです。今、あなたはあなたの手で何かをしています。ものを指摘することができます。昔、シーモア・パパートの講演を見ていて、すごいなと思いました。1 回目は内容を吸収するため、2 回目はスタイルに注意するためです。そして私が発見したのは、パパートが常にボードを指さしていたことです。それから少し考えてみたところ、彼が指しているものはどれも彼の言っていることとは何の関係もないことに気付きました。とはいえ、有効なテクニックでした。ということで、黒板の美徳についてのちょっとした話でした。さて、プロップについてお話したいと思います。プロップに関する知識の管理者は劇作家です。何十年も前にヘンリック・イプセンの戯曲を見ました。ヘッダ・ガブラーでした。不幸な結婚生活を送っている女性の話で、彼女の夫は研究をめぐって他の誰かと競争していたことをぼんやりと覚えています。そして彼が負けたのは、一つは彼がつまらなかったということと、一つは競争相手が素晴らしい本を書いたばかりだったというためでした。ちなみにこれはコピー機やパソコンがなかった時代の話です。とにかく、劇が始まるとだるまストーブがあり、劇の冒頭で、だるまストーブのドアが開いていて、わずかに燃えさかる残り火があります。しかし、だるまストーブは常にそこにあり、演劇に緊張が高まると、原稿が見えると思いますが、イプセンが非常に巧みに使用したこの小道具を、何か起ころうとしていることがわかります。劇が進むにつれて火はより熱く、最終的にすべてを消費し、その原稿がその火の中に入ることを知っています。この記憶に残ることは、私が劇について覚えているということです。劇作家はこれをすべて把握していますが、一方で、小道具を使用できるのは劇作家だけではありません。これも Seymour Papert による小道具の使用例です。彼は、問題を正しい方法で見ることがいかに重要であるかについて話していました。ここに良い例があります。この例は、教育だけでなく、機械工学の友人を困らせることを可能にします。こういうことを想像してください。自転車の車輪を考えます。あなたはそれを回転し始めます。そして、車軸にいくらかのトルクをかけるか、もしくは、端に力を加えるなどが考えられます。そして重要なのは、こちらに傾くか、それともあちらに傾くかということです。さて、機械技術者はすぐにこう言うでしょう、ああこれは知っています、right hand screw wheelの話ですね、と。そして、彼らは指をこの形にしますが、問題の様々な側面から指の正確な配置を忘れています。そのため、通常は50%の確率で正解します。そのため、彼らの非常に凝った教育により、コインを投げるようなレベルまで彼らを成長させることができます。しかし、問題については少し違った考え方ができるので、必ずしもそうである必要はありません。こういったことが考えられます。ダクトテープを使って、このようにホイールの部分に巻き付けます。そして今、ホイール全体ではなく、ダクトテープの張られた部品についてのみ考え始めます。ここで、その部分が上から下ってきます。この時点で、空気を一吹きします。ホイールの残りの部分は忘れて、ダクトテープのはられた部品はどうなりますか? あなたがこのように右から叩いたので、この部分は左下に動こうとするはずです。すでにこのように下がっています。では、次の部分は?同じです。 次の部分は?同じことです。したがって、起こりうる唯一のことは、車輪が右へ傾くということです。そして今、問題について正しい方法で考えているので、二度と不思議に思うことはありません。これがプロップの使用方法の一例です。私たちはやり終えたので、使っていいですよ。

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