His house truly had a tawdry appearance, fitting the word perfectly.
- Pronunciation: /ˈtɔː.dri/
- Part of Speech: Adjective
exculpate 疑いを晴らす
aplomb 冷静沈着
obfuscate わかりにくくする
pollyannaish 能天気な
perilous 危険に満ちた
caducity 老化
proclivity 傾向がある
caustic 腐食性の
tempestuous 嵐のような
regime 政権
Showy but cheap and of poor quality; something that looks fancy or flashy but is actually not valuable or well-made.
Example Sentences(例文)
- “The jewelry looked glamorous from afar, but up close, it was just tawdry imitation.”
- その宝石は遠くから見ると華やかに見えましたが、近くで見るとただの安っぽい模造品でした。
- “His apartment was filled with tawdry decorations that looked out of place.”
- 彼のアパートは場違いな安っぽい装飾でいっぱいでした。
Originally from “Saint Audrey’s lace,” a type of cheap lace sold at a fair in honor of Saint Audrey in medieval England, which became associated with poor quality.
Gaudy, flashy, garish, cheap.
Elegant, refined, tasteful, sophisticated.
Usage Notes(使用上の注意)
“Tawdry” is often used to describe something that tries to appear fancy or impressive but is seen as cheap or low quality upon closer inspection.