cognoscente その分野のことをとてもよく知っている人

He is revered as the cognoscente of this village.

  • Pronunciation: /ˌkɒn.jəˈʃɛnti/ or /ˌkɔːɡ.noʊˈʃɛnti/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
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A person who is well-informed, knowledgeable, or has expert understanding in a particular subject, especially in the arts or fine culture.


Example Sentences(例文)

  • “The art gallery was filled with cognoscenti, all discussing the finer details of the paintings.”
    • 美術館は博識な人々で溢れており、皆が絵画の細かなディテールについて議論していました。
  • “Only a true cognoscente could appreciate the subtle techniques used in the composition.”
    • 微妙な技法が使われた構成を理解できるのは、真の鑑識眼を持つ人だけです。


From Italian cognoscente, meaning “someone who knows,” which is derived from the Latin cognoscere, meaning “to know.”

「cognoscente(博識者)」はイタリア語の cognoscente に由来し、「知識を持つ人」という意味です。この語は、ラテン語の cognoscere(知る)に由来しています。


Expert, connoisseur, aficionado, authority.


Novice, amateur, layperson.

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

“Cognoscente” is often used to refer to people with deep knowledge in specialized or cultural areas like art, music, or cuisine.


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