Despite the advice of the older pigs, the froward pig refused to settle for straw or wood, believing only bricks would protect him.
- Pronunciation: /ˈfrəʊ.wəd/
- Part of Speech: Adjective
imperiousness 威圧感
venerable 尊敬すべき
onus 責任
Hoi polloi たくさんの普通の人たち
felicity 至福
deleterious 有害な
contour 輪郭
polarization 対立
ensconce 安心して落ち着く
egregious 目に余る
Someone who is stubbornly disobedient or difficult to deal with, often deliberately contrary or uncooperative.
Example Sentences(例文)
- “The child’s froward behavior made it hard for the teachers to manage the class.”
- その子どもの反抗的な態度のため、先生たちはクラスの管理に苦労した。
- “Her froward attitude caused tension during the meeting, as she refused to listen to anyone’s suggestions.”
- 彼女の反抗的な態度が会議中に緊張を引き起こし、誰の提案にも耳を貸そうとしなかった。
From Middle English froward, meaning “contrary” or “perverse,” derived from the Old English phrase from-weard (“turned away”).
中英語の froward(「反対の」または「ひねくれた」の意味)から来ており、古英語の表現 from-weard(「背を向けた」)に由来しています。
Contrary, obstinate, unmanageable, perverse.
Compliant, agreeable, cooperative, obedient.
Usage Notes(使用上の注意)
“Froward” is considered an older or more literary term, and it’s often used to describe someone who is intentionally difficult or hard to manage.