caducity 老化

Depending on the environment, there might be places where caducity happens faster.

  • Pronunciation: /kəˈduːsɪti/ or /kəˈdjuːsɪti/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
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The state of being perishable or transitory; frailty or impermanence. It often refers to the natural tendency of things, especially living organisms, to decay or decline with age.


Example Sentences(例文)

  • “The caducity of human life is a reminder of the inevitability of change.”
    • 人の命の儚さは、変化が避けられないことを思い起こさせる。
  • “He reflected on the caducity of the old building, which had stood for centuries but was now crumbling.”
    • 彼は何世紀にもわたり立っていたが、今は崩れかけているその古い建物の儚さについて思いを巡らせた。


Derived from Latin caducus meaning “falling, perishable,” from cadere, meaning “to fall.”

「caducity(儚さ、無常)」の語源はラテン語の caducus で、「落ちる、消耗しやすい」を意味します。この語は cadere(落ちる)に由来しています。


Frailty, transience, ephemerality, impermanence, decay.


Durability, permanence, stability, endurance.

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

The word “caducity” is often used in philosophical, poetic, or literary contexts to express the fragility and fleeting nature of life or objects. It isn’t commonly used in everyday conversation.


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