dudgeon むっとする

Every time my house gets destroyed by a creeper, I end up in a state of dudgeon.

  • Pronunciation: /ˈdʌdʒ.ən/
  • Part of Speech: Noun
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Dudgeon means a feeling of offense, deep resentment, or anger, usually with a sense of indignation.


Example Sentences(例文)

  1. She stormed out of the meeting in high dudgeon after her proposal was rejected.
  2. He left the room in a fit of dudgeon, clearly upset by the criticism.


The word dudgeon dates back to the late 16th century, though its exact origin is unclear. It may be related to an older word for a type of dagger hilt, symbolizing emotional sharpness or anger.



  • Indignation
  • Resentment
  • Offense
  • Anger


  • Calmness
  • Contentment
  • Satisfaction

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

The phrase “in high dudgeon” is commonly used to describe someone who is visibly angry or offended. It is somewhat formal or old-fashioned and is often used in literary or elevated contexts.

「in high dudgeon」という表現は、明らかに怒りや侮辱を感じている様子を表すためによく使われます。この表現はやや形式的または古風であり、文学的または格調高い文脈で用いられることが多いです。

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