The banana-man strode through the streets with aplomb, fully confident in his eccentric style and unbothered by the bewildered glances of onlookers.
- Pronunciation: /əˈplɒm/
- Part of Speech: Noun
Self-confidence, composure, or assurance, especially in a demanding or difficult situation.
Example Sentence(例文)
She handled the unexpected challenges with aplomb, never showing a sign of stress.
フランス語の aplomb
The word comes from the French aplomb, meaning “perpendicularity” or “steadiness,” which is derived from the Latin plumbum (meaning “lead,” as in the heavy metal used to keep something steady, like in a plumb line).
フランス語の aplomb から来ており、「垂直」または「安定」を意味します。この語は、物を垂直に保つために使われる「鉛」(plumbum)という意味のラテン語に由来しています。
- ニュアンス: “Poise” refers to graceful and elegant bearing, especially in difficult situations. It emphasizes physical and emotional control, giving an impression of dignity and balance.
- Aplombとの違い: While “aplomb” focuses on self-confidence and assurance under pressure, “poise” adds an element of grace and elegance to one’s composure. Poise suggests that not only is the person calm, but they also appear polished and balanced.
- 例文 (English): She delivered her speech with poise, maintaining grace even when faced with tough questions.
- 日本語訳: 彼女はポイズを保ちながらスピーチを行い、厳しい質問にも優雅さを失わなかった。
- ニュアンス: “Assurance” refers to self-confidence and certainty, especially in one’s abilities or opinions. It conveys a strong sense of security in one’s actions or thoughts.
- Aplombとの違い: “Assurance” focuses more on internal confidence and certainty, while “aplomb” is about maintaining composure in challenging external situations. Assurance is about inner certainty, while aplomb is about outer composure.
- 例文 (English): He answered all the interview questions with assurance, leaving no doubt about his competence.
- 日本語訳: 彼は全ての面接の質問に自信を持って答え、彼の能力に疑いの余地を残さなかった。
- ニュアンス: “Composure” refers to a calm state of mind, especially when under stress. It emphasizes the ability to remain calm and not show anxiety or distress.
- Aplombとの違い: “Composure” is more about emotional control, while “aplomb” includes not just calmness but also confidence and assurance in difficult situations. Composure focuses on staying cool under pressure, while aplomb conveys that coolness with confidence.
- 例文 (English): Despite the chaos around her, she maintained her composure and calmly managed the situation.
- 日本語訳: 彼女は周囲の混乱にもかかわらず冷静さを保ち、落ち着いて状況を対処した。
- ニュアンス: “Self-possession” is the ability to control one’s emotions and behavior, especially in stressful situations. It suggests complete control over oneself.
- Aplombとの違い: “Self-possession” is about maintaining emotional control and restraint, whereas “aplomb” carries the additional nuance of doing so with confidence and calm under external pressure. Self-possession is more about internal restraint, whereas aplomb is the outward expression of calm confidence.
- 例文 (English): He faced the unexpected crisis with remarkable self-possession, never letting his emotions get the better of him.
- 日本語訳: 彼は予期せぬ危機にも驚くほどの自制心を持って対処し、感情に流されることはなかった。
Summary of Differences
Self-possession: Control over one’s emotions, especially in stressful situations.
Aplomb: Self-confidence and assurance, especially in challenging situations, with an outward display of calm and control.
Poise: Grace and elegance, with balance and composure.
Assurance: Inner self-confidence and certainty.
Composure: Emotional calmness, especially under pressure.
Insecurity (不安定さ、不安感)
- ニュアンス: Insecurity refers to a lack of confidence or certainty, especially regarding one’s abilities, appearance, or position. It often leads to self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy.
- 例文 (English): His insecurity about his public speaking skills made him hesitant to volunteer for the presentation.
- 日本語訳: 彼は自分のスピーチ能力に自信がなく、プレゼンテーションに志願するのをためらっていた。
- 違い: Insecurity is more about internal feelings of self-doubt and a lack of confidence in oneself, which can be long-lasting or situational.
Nervousness (緊張、神経質)
- ニュアンス: Nervousness is the feeling of being anxious or worried, especially before a significant event or in an uncomfortable situation. It often manifests physically, such as shaky hands or a racing heart.
- 例文 (English): She felt intense nervousness before her big performance, with butterflies in her stomach.
- 日本語訳: 彼女は大舞台の前に強い緊張を感じ、お腹に蝶々が飛んでいるようだった。
- 違い: Nervousness is usually a temporary state of anxiety, often triggered by an upcoming event or a specific situation. It’s more acute and short-term than insecurity.
Unease (不安、心配、落ち着きのなさ)
- ニュアンス: Unease is a general feeling of discomfort or anxiety, usually caused by something unclear or unknown. It can be a vague sense of something being wrong or off.
- 例文 (English): He felt a sense of unease walking through the dark alley, as if something bad might happen.
- 日本語訳: 彼は暗い路地を歩いている時、何か悪いことが起きそうな不安感を感じた。
- 違い: Unease is more about a general discomfort or worry, often without a specific cause. It is broader and can be less intense than nervousness but can persist longer.
Differences in Usage
- Insecurity refers to internal feelings of self-doubt and is often about how we perceive ourselves.
- Nervousness is a short-term, intense feeling of anxiety often related to an upcoming event or task.
- Unease is a general, lingering feeling of discomfort or worry, often without a clear cause or reason.
Usage Notes(使用上の注意)
“Aplomb” is often used to describe a person who remains calm and confident in a challenging situation. It carries a connotation of grace under pressure.