Swimming is not my bailiwick.
- Pronunciation: /ˈbeɪlɪˌwɪk/
- Part of Speech: Noun
A person’s specific area of expertise, knowledge, authority, or interest. It can also refer to a specific jurisdiction or district in which a particular officer has authority, especially a bailiff.
Example Sentences
- The technical aspects of the project are outside my bailiwick; I handle the marketing.
- そのプロジェクトの技術的な面は私の専門外で、私はマーケティングを担当しています。
- Gardening has always been her bailiwick; she knows all there is to know about plants and flowers.
- ガーデニングはずっと彼女の得意分野で、植物や花について知識が豊富です。
The word “bailiwick” comes from Middle English, combining “bailie” (a term for a bailiff or a person in charge of a certain area) with “wick” (a district or jurisdiction). “Bailie” itself originates from Old French “bailli,” meaning “administrator” or “governor.”
Bailiwick という単語は中英語に由来し、「bailie」(特定の地域を担当する執行官や管理者)と「wick」(地区や管轄区域)を組み合わせたものです。「bailie」は、管理者や総督を意味する古フランス語の bailli に由来します。
Domain, territory, specialty, field, jurisdiction.
Outside one’s expertise, ignorance, unfamiliarity.
Usage Notes
“Bailiwick” is often used to refer to an area in which someone has particular knowledge, skill, or control. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Bailiwick は、誰かが特定の知識、スキル、または管理権を持つ分野を指すために使われます。フォーマルな文脈でもインフォーマルな文脈でも使用できます。