iteration 繰り返し

Try anything at least once. When you do it again, it will be the second iteration.

Pronunciation: /ˌɪt.əˈreɪ.ʃən/

Part of Speech: Noun

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  1. The process of repeating a set of instructions or actions in a computer program or algorithm until a specific condition is met or for a specified number of times.
    • コンピュータプログラムやアルゴリズムにおいて、一連の指示や操作を特定の条件が満たされるまで、または指定された回数だけ繰り返すプロセス。
  2. A repetition or version of something, such as a draft of a document, a design, or a model, where each version builds upon or improves the previous one.
    • ドキュメントの下書き、デザイン、モデルなど、何かの繰り返しやバージョンであり、各バージョンが前のものを基にして改良されたもの。

Example Sentences

  1. In software development, iteration allows programmers to refine their code through repeated testing and modifications.
    • ソフトウェア開発において、イテレーションによってプログラマーはコードを繰り返しテストし、修正することで改良することができる。
  2. The team produced several iterations of the design before finalizing the product.
    • チームは、製品を完成させる前にデザインのいくつかのバージョンを作成した。
  3. With each iteration of the loop, the value of the variable increases by one.
    • ループの各イテレーションで、その変数の値が1ずつ増加する。


The word “iteration” comes from the Latin word “iteratio,” meaning “a repeating.” The root word “iterare” means “to do again, to repeat.”

Iteration という単語は、ラテン語の iteratio に由来し、「繰り返し」という意味です。語根の iterare は「再び行う、繰り返す」という意味を持ちます。


Here’s a breakdown of words similar to iteration—like repetition, cycle, version, refinement—with an explanation of how they differ from iteration:

1. Repetition

  • Meaning: The act of doing something again.
  • Difference from Iteration: While repetition refers to simply doing something over and over again, iteration often implies a purposeful repetition with the goal of improvement or refinement. For example, in programming, each iteration of a loop may produce slightly different results, whereas repetition could just mean repeating the exact same task.Example: “His constant repetition of the song became annoying.” (Not necessarily changing each time)

2. Cycle

  • Meaning: A series of events or processes that repeat in a circular manner.
  • Difference from Iteration: Cycle emphasizes the recurring nature of an entire process, while iteration focuses on individual steps within that process that may change or improve with each repetition.Example: “The cycle of the seasons happens every year.” (A complete, recurring process)

3. Version

  • Meaning: A particular form of something that differs from earlier forms.
  • Difference from Iteration: A version refers to the result or outcome of a series of changes, while iteration refers to the process itself. Each version may come after several iterations.Example: “The latest version of the software has new features.” (A finished product after multiple iterations)

4. Refinement

  • Meaning: The process of improving something by making small changes.
  • Difference from Iteration: Refinement is more focused on improving quality or precision, while iteration emphasizes repeating a process to achieve a desired result, often including refinement as part of that process.Example: “The design underwent multiple refinements to enhance usability.” (Changes made to improve quality, often through iterative processes)

5. Repetition (Reiterating for clarity)

  • Meaning: The simple act of doing something more than once.
  • Difference from Iteration: While both involve doing something multiple times, repetition lacks the sense of progression or improvement that iteration implies.Example: “Repetition helps with memorization, but doesn’t necessarily improve the quality.” (No expectation of improvement)


Iteration implies a process with improvement or variation, whereas repetition is doing the same thing repeatedly without change. Cycle is a recurring series, version is the outcome of iterations, and refinement is the fine-tuning that happens during or after iterations.


Here’s a comparison of iteration with its antonyms like original, prototype, and first attempt, highlighting their differences:

1. Original

  • Meaning: The first or earliest version of something, not derived from anything else.
  • Difference from Iteration: The original is the very first version, created before any changes or improvements. An iteration comes after the original and is part of the process of refining, improving, or altering something based on feedback or new information.Example: “The original design was simple, but later iterations made it more complex.”
    (Original refers to the first version, while iterations follow it and involve modifications.)

2. Prototype

  • Meaning: An initial model or sample of a product used to test or refine before the final version is created.
  • Difference from Iteration: A prototype is a preliminary version, typically made to explore ideas or test functionality. It can be seen as one of the first steps before multiple iterations take place to refine or finalize the product. Iteration happens after the prototype stage, involving repeated cycles of testing and improvement.Example: “We created a prototype to test the concept, and after several iterations, we finalized the design.”
    (Prototype is an early, rough version; iterations involve refining and improving that prototype.)

3. First Attempt

  • Meaning: The very first effort or try to accomplish something, often unrefined or incomplete.
  • Difference from Iteration: A first attempt is the initial try without any previous experience or revision. Iteration, on the other hand, refers to repeated attempts where each one builds on the last, improving the process or outcome. The first attempt is just the starting point, while iterations are part of the ongoing development after that.Example: “My first attempt at baking was a disaster, but after a few iterations, I got it right.”
    (First attempt is the initial try, likely with mistakes, while iterations lead to gradual improvements.)


Original, prototype, and first attempt all refer to the initial stages of creation, where things are untested, undeveloped, or in their earliest form. Iteration, by contrast, refers to the process of refining, improving, or modifying something after those early stages.

Usage Notes

  • In computing, “iteration” often refers to the act of repeating a set of operations, commonly in loops or during algorithm execution. It’s a key concept in programming, particularly in iterative algorithms.
  • In general usage, “iteration” can refer to any repeated action or a new version of something. It implies a process of gradual improvement or refinement through repeated efforts.
  • コンピュータの分野では、iteration は一連の操作を繰り返す行為を指し、特にループやアルゴリズムの実行中によく使われます。反復アルゴリズムにおいて重要な概念です。
  • 一般的な用法では、iteration はあらゆる繰り返しの行動や、新しいバージョンを指すことができます。繰り返し努力することで、徐々に改善や改良を行うプロセスを意味します。

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