contour 輪郭

Hey Spikies, you didn’t even contour my drawing in the end.

Pronunciation: /ˈkɒntʊər/ or /ˈkɑːntʊr/

Part of Speech: Noun and Verb

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  1. Noun:
    • The outline or shape of something, especially when it represents the form of a physical feature.
    • A line on a map that joins points of equal elevation, representing the shape of the terrain.
    • 物の輪郭や形状、特に物理的な特徴の形を表すもの。
    • また、等高線を結んで地形の形状を示す地図上の線。
  2. Verb:
    • To shape the outline of something or to mark the outline.
    • 何かの輪郭を形作る、またはその輪郭を示す。

Example Sentences(例文)

  • Noun: The artist carefully sketched the contours of the mountains.
    • 名詞: その芸術家は山の輪郭を注意深くスケッチした。
  • Noun: On the topographic map, the contour lines indicate the elevation changes.
    • 名詞: 地形図では、等高線が標高の変化を示している。
  • Verb: She used makeup to contour her cheekbones, making them appear more defined.
    • 動詞: 彼女は頬骨の輪郭をメイクで際立たせ、よりくっきり見せた。


“Contour” comes from the French word “contour,” which means “outline” or “boundary.” The French term originates from the Italian “contorno,” meaning “circumference” or “outline,” which itself is derived from the Latin “contornare,” meaning “to turn around.”

Contour はフランス語の contour に由来し、「輪郭」や「境界」を意味します。このフランス語の語はイタリア語の contorno(円周、輪郭)に由来し、その語源はラテン語の contornare(回りを巡る)です。


  • Noun: Outline, profile, silhouette, shape.
  • Verb: Outline, shape, define, delineate.


  • Noun: Center, interior (in the context of internal aspects rather than outer shape).
  • Verb: Flatten, obscure (in terms of removing definition or clarity).

Usage Notes(使用上の注意)

  • In geography and cartography, “contour” is commonly used to refer to contour lines, which show elevation on a map.
  • In everyday language, “contour” often refers to the shape or outline of an object or surface.
  • In cosmetics, “contouring” refers to the makeup technique used to define and enhance the natural structure of the face.
  • 地理学や地図製作において、contour は等高線を指すのによく使われ、地図上で標高を示します。
  • 日常の言葉では、contour は物体や表面の形や輪郭を指します。
  • 化粧では、contouring は顔の自然な構造を際立たせ、強調するメイク技法を指します。

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