Under relentless duress from Hopper, Turbo was finally revealed as not being a rabbit.
Pronunciation: /dʊˈrɛs/ or /ˈdjʊrɛs/
Part of Speech: Noun
Table of Contents
- Noun: Threats, violence, constraints, or other actions brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgment; compulsion by threat or force.
- 名詞:脅迫、暴力、強制力、または他人に対して本人の意思や良識に反して何かをさせるために行われる行為;脅しや力による強制。
Example Sentences(例文)
- The confession was obtained under duress, so it may not be admissible in court.
- その自白は強制的に得られたものなので、裁判で採用されないかもしれない。
- She signed the contract under duress, fearing for her safety.
- 彼女は安全が脅かされることを恐れ、強制的に契約書にサインした。
“Duress” comes from the Middle English word “duresse,” which originates from the Old French term of the same spelling, meaning “hardness” or “severity.” The Old French term is derived from the Latin “duritia,” meaning “hardness,” which in turn comes from “durus,” meaning “hard.”
Duress は中英語の duresse に由来し、これは同じ綴りの古フランス語で「硬さ」や「厳しさ」を意味します。この古フランス語の語はラテン語の duritia(硬さ)に由来し、その語源は durus(硬い)です。
- Coercion, compulsion, pressure, intimidation, force, constraint.
- Freedom, consent, voluntariness, liberty, autonomy.
Usage Notes(使用上の注意)
- “Duress” is often used in legal contexts to describe situations where a person is forced to act against their will due to threats or coercion.
- A contract or agreement signed under duress is typically considered void or voidable because it was not entered into freely.
- The term implies a significant level of pressure, often involving threats or harm, that affects a person’s decision-making or actions.
- Duress はしばしば法的文脈で使われ、脅迫や強制によって、本人の意思に反して行動を強いられる状況を表します。
- 強制のもとで署名された契約や合意は、通常、自由意思で締結されたものではないため、無効または取り消し可能と見なされます。
- この言葉は、脅しや危害を伴い、人の意思決定や行動に影響を与えるような重大な圧力を意味します。