Hi Nibbles, I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while, but your culinary portions are rather meager.
/ˈmiːɡər/ (MEE-gur)
Part of Speech:
Table of Contents
Lacking in quantity or quality; insufficient or inadequate. It often describes something that is sparse, scanty, or deficient in some way, such as resources, amounts, or physical stature.
Example Sentences(例文)
- The refugees were given a meager supply of food that barely lasted a day.
- 難民たちは、1日持つかどうかのわずかな食料しか与えられなかった。
- His meager earnings were not enough to cover the rent.
- 彼のわずかな収入では、家賃を払うには足りなかった。
“Meager” comes from the Middle English megre, derived from the Old French maigre, meaning “thin” or “lean.” This, in turn, comes from the Latin macer, which also means “thin.”
Meager は中英語の megre に由来し、これは「痩せた」や「細い」を意味する古フランス語の maigre に由来します。この語はさらに「痩せた」を意味するラテン語の macer に由来します。
Synonyms and Antonyms
- Synonyms: Scanty, sparse, insufficient, paltry, inadequate, sparse.
- Antonyms: Plentiful, abundant, ample, generous, substantial, copious.
Usage Notes
- “Meager” often has a negative connotation, implying that something is unsatisfactory due to its lack of quantity or quality.
- It is commonly used to describe wages, resources, or physical attributes that are seen as insufficient.
- Meager にはしばしば否定的な意味合いがあり、量や質が不足しているために不満足であることを示唆します。
- この言葉は、賃金や資源、または不十分と見なされる身体的な特徴を表すためによく使われます。